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    Machines can replace a lot of hand labor, accelerate seeding, treatment and harvesting, and make more money. Innovative technologies can reduce costs and bring up the performance by 30-40% or multiply it several times in some cases.

    Seeding and harvesting are amongst the most energy-intensive processes and result in major losses such as product waste or extra costs and unreasonable use of resources. Sophisticated machinery helps reduce seeding and harvesting time, let alone any yield loss.

    Given the lack or shortage of such machinery, leasing is the only way out for many producers. We can offer you an advanced fleet and seeding and harvesting services.

    The advantages of our company are the new and innovative machines, mobility and reasonable prices. We are also focused on timely maintenance and fine-tuning of harvesters. Early high-quality servicing plus our sugfficient fuel and spare parts reserves will help you avoid any all-hands-ahoy emergency to complete your operations in the shortest possible time.

    2, Mechanichesky Lane,
    v. Ust-Muravlyanka,
    Repievka District,
    Voronezh Oblast